About Chex Quest
Hints, Tips, and Cheats

February 2003

February 26, 2003: From now on you can contact us at our new feedback page. Also be sure to check the updated links section for the ultimate CQ site. It has many features including a message board.

February 11, 2003

Attention: Many have you have been wondering when this site will be updated. The reason is because I have other things I have been doing and because there is not much going on with Chex Quest anymore and because I have played the game so many times I have gotten tired of it. I have not updated the site because there is not much happening anymore. Every now and then I might do a check to see if anything exciting happens but right now I feel I have done all I can for the site. To those of you who have websites about Chex Quest, feel free to give me links to them and I will make them known. I would love for Chex Quest web stuff to keep going but currently I cannot be a part of it other then occasional info via email. There many people out there who could make sites that would keep things going though. I am sorry I did not post this sooner. I hope you all understand. Have a good day! -Webmaster

Current News

Another website created by the guy who is in charge of making "The Return of the Chex Warrior" has been added to the links section.

The website for the upcoming fan made CQ game called "The Return of the Chex Warrior" is now up at http://www.geocities.com/chexreturns/!